What inspires me? The war stories my Grandfather told me.

What inspires me? The war stories my Grandfather told me.

I have a strong – some might say, ‘concerning’ – interest in WW2. When I was about twenty years old (many, many moons ago!) I attempted to write a local history book about the area I lived in (Hillingdon Borough, London) during the war. We had...
Where do (your) ideas come from?

Where do (your) ideas come from?

I get asked this all the time as, I am quite certain, does every other author of fiction. On the one hand, I find this quite strange; everybody is making up stories all the time, aren’t they? Doesn’t your mind wander? Don’t you dream? But then, I suppose,...
34 Movies about Viruses, Epidemics and Contagion

34 Movies about Viruses, Epidemics and Contagion

James Patterson once said that for authors; ‘Sometimes it helps to be a little bit schizophrenic’. It was comforting to me to hear him say this and to also hear other authors talk about the ‘crazy voices in their heads,’ as it goes some way to explaining why one of my...