You can find me on these platforms:

Facebook: @damianvargasfiction

I use Facebook to stay in touch with readers and to share updates about books, events and interesting tidbits.

Instagram: @vargas_fiction

Photos I take in my travels around the Costa del Sol to use as possible scene locations and for general inspiration

Pinterest: vargas_fiction

I use Pinterest to create boards of images for ‘location scouting’ and reference purposes. Some boards are quite general (e.g. ‘weapons’) whereas others are for groups of images intended to help me visualise a specific scene.

Twitter: @vargas_fiction

What I’m up to, useful writing resources, news on my writing progress, stuff I have found useful & general rants

Please feel free to make contact by email using the form, below, if you want to say Hola old-skool

How can I help you?

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